Logistics services

Free declaration

Aqaba Facilities Management Company, in cooperation with the Aqaba Special Economic Zone Authority, is working to improve the conditions of expatriate workers in the city of Aqaba by issuing self-employment permits, which in turn works to limit human trafficking and police them.

To issue permits, the headquarters of the Aqaba Facilities Management Company is visited as a first visit to apply for the free permit and submit the necessary papers to issue the free permit. Later, the worker is contacted through the company’s work team to come and receive the permit on the second visit.

Aqaba Stadium reservations

Aqaba Facilities Management Company organizes all the work related to booking Aqaba Stadium for all sporting events and activities, which consists of a main stadium and (2) five-a-side courts.


Aqaba Facilities Management Company provides sterilization services for facilities and establishments.

Our teams are equipped with all prevention and public safety requirements.
All materials are safe and internationally licensed.
The work and workers are followed up during the process through the automated supervisory system.
The facility is provided with a sterilization certificate.

Agricultural business

Aqaba Facilities Management Company provides agricultural services related to planting, pruning, harvesting, landscaping, and agricultural pest control for various facilities.